نشانیات:نشانات کی سائنس

  • ڈاکٹر محمد اشرف کمال صدر شعبہ اردو،گورنمنٹ پوسٹ گریجویٹ کالج بھکر


Semiotics is a branch of Linguistics. It is also true to say that Semiotics and Linguistics both are related to each other. Semiotics deals with the system of signs in languages. It shows the relation between signs and their meanings which occur in a language. To know about the systems of languages and their scripts, it is necessary to study Semiotics. Semiotics means the study of the process of conversion of signs into meaningful words.

Ferdinand de Saussure defined it as “the life of signs within society." It can be a great help and a guiding force for any anthropological and sociological study.


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19 .Social Semiotics – Wikipedia
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۲۲۔ ایضاً
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۲۴۔ ایضاً، ص106
۲۵۔ ایضاً، ص229