سرسید کے تعلیمی افکار میں جدیدیت کی جھلکیاں

  • ڈاکٹر محمد محمودالاسلام


This study consists of the modern educational thought of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan who was one of the greatest social reformers and a great national builder of modern India. He not only created awareness among the Muslims of Sub-continent about the significance of modern, scientific education, but he also advocated their case in front of the British Empire in a strong manner. Sir Syed inspired and encouraged people to take to modern education by establishing educational institutions. The supreme interest of Sir Syed’s life was education in its widest sense. He wanted to create a scientific temperament among the Muslims of India and to make the modern knowledge of Science available to them.

Sir Syed did preach acquiring modern education, but he never allowed any compromise on commandments of Quran and Sunnah.

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan began establishing  schools,   at  Muradabad   in 1858 and Ghazipur in 1863. A more ambitious undertaking was the foundation of the Scientific Society, which published translations of many educational texts and issued a bilingual journal in Urdu and English. Thus during a visit to England (1869-70) he prepared plans for a great educational institution. They were "a Muslim Cambridge." On his return, he set up a committee for the purpose and also started an influential journal, Tahzib al-Akhlaq "Social Reform" for the uplift and reforms of the Muslims. A Muslim school was established at Aligarh in May 1875, and after his retirement in 1876, Sir Syed dedicated himself to make it a college.


۱۔ افتخار عالم خاں پروفیسر ، سر سید اور جدیدیت،ایجوکیشنل پبلشنگ ہاوس، دہلی 2013، صفحہ51-52
۲۔ ایضا، صفحہ 52
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٤۔ Gibh, H. A. R. Mohammedanism, London, Oxford University Press, 1935, P. 181
٥۔ شیخ اسماعیل پانی پتی، مکتوبات سرسید، صفحہ 350
۶۔ ایضا، صفحہ 90
۷۔ محمد اسماعیل پانی پتی مولانا ، مقالات سر سید، مجلس ترقی ادب لاہور، طبع دوم ، اپریل 1991، صفحہ7
۸۔ ایضا،صفحہ 12
۹۔ ایضا،صفحہ41