مرثیے کے تیسرے دبستان کا سب سے بڑا شاعر۔ میر تعشق

  • ڈاکٹر منور ہاشمی shah abdul latif university khairpur


Normally there are two schools of thoughts more famous in Urdu Elegy i.e. “Dabistan-e-Anees” and “Dabistan-e-Dabeer”. There is no doubt that both these Schools of Thoughts played very important role in popularization of Udu Elegy but at the same time, it would be an injustice when 3rd school of thought is not mentioned with regard to Urdu Elegy. Meer Taa’ashuk stood Herald of 3rd School of Thought. Though a large number of renowned poets appear to be the followers of this 3rd Dabistan. However, the biggest poet of this Dabistan was Meer Taa’ashuq who happened to be a younger brother of Meer Ishq. It is he who included the colours as well as tone of Ghazal into elegy and also extended Elegy to discuss issues of the normal life. This style of the elegy stood a fame of this Dabistan. That is why this Dabistan is distinguishable and unique in nature in comparison to other two Dabistans. There is no exaggeration found in poetic work of Meer Taa’ashuq owing to the fact that he had spend a major part of his life in Karbala-e-Moallah due to which his poetry depicts a real colour of the scenic art. Whereas the poetry of Anees and Dabeer lacks this colour. By all ways, a unique style and spiritual effect of Meer Taa’ashuq became a cause of extension and popularity of the topics included in Urdu elegy. Without mentioning of Meer Taa’ashuq, history of Urdu elegy is incomplete.


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۱۳۔ ایضاً ص91 ۱۴۔ ایضاً ص8 ۱۵۔ ایضاً ص9