صوبہ سرحد کا پہلا صاحبِ دیوان اُردو شاعر قاسم علی آفریدی

  • ڈاکٹر صابر علی کلوری شاہ عبداللطیف یونیورسٹی، خیرپور


Urdu language has significance that its development and overspreading is not limited to any particular area are community. Besides for remote region all people were also active to promote this. In this article the life and work of a poet Qasim Ali Afridi, born in 1769, hailing from the solider province, have briefly been discussed Despite being a solider he contributed a Diwan comprising Ghazal, Mukhammas and Rubayat. This is an informative article on the development of Urdu, in Frontier Province.


References are given at the end of every article.